10 Hour Projects

Honor Bee Service Hour Projects
These are the projects I did for my honor bee
*I helped my personal progress adviser with an activity for the girls. They sewed pajama pants for one of their personal progress requirements. I helped my adviser by sewing an example for the girls before hand, making paper patterns (2 for each size XS,S,M,&L), and helping the girls during the activity with their questions.
*I drew and painted a poster with the young women motto on it for young women's room. One of my leaders got a frame for it so whoever is leading the theme can hold it up so everyone can read it.
*I made thank you handouts for people who went to the temple. My leader gave me some paper, a flower punch, chocolate, and a printed thank you notes. Then I punched out some flower cards, and glued the thank you note and a piece of chocolate onto the cards. When the young men and young women went to the temple we put all the thank you notes(aprx:100) on the hoods of the cars in the temple's parking lot.
*I created some starter sheets for mutual and young women's. Then I made a bunch of copies and put them in the room we meet in with a pen, so whoever is conducting will always have something to write on.
*For young women's one year we had a challenge to read the Doctrine and Covenants, and my leader wanted me to make a tracking poster for the girls. So I got a blue poster and painted Europe and North America on it. Then for markers I printed out some different girls of all races. So the girls got to chose their marker and they traveled from Europe all the way to Utah, then Hawaii as they progressed in their reading.
*I made a directory for the young women, and update it each year. I will print them and hand them out to the girls, and if they gave me their email I will send them a digital copy as well.
*I had noticed that a lot of the girls would sometimes not have certain things that they should have gotten when they were beehives. This probably happened because about 14 girls all came in in one year so they probably ran out of supplies for them. However the things they were missing are needed for personal progress so I decided to get them the supplies that they needed. I started by making a supply checkoff list. Then when the girls had filled those out I made a supplies master sheet to see how many of everything I needed, and the girls who needed them. I then gave this to the bishop so he could order the things we needed. I used this master sheet to check off when I had given a girl what she needed, and who was left.
*Share inspiring thoughts, quotes, or scriptures. I am also trying to share helpful advice and resources for young women here on my blog that I wish I could have had beforehand, like this post for example.
These are some ideas I had for service hours but did not do
*Make or help another girl make a poster for that year's youth scripture.
*Help set up a temple regular temple day for the young women and work out rides for everyone.
*Help with a girl's camp logo contest for your ward girl's camp.
*Make team t-shirts for church ball.
*Help plan activities to invite inactive members to.
I hope that this helped to give you some good ideas for projects. I should also mention that you can use any of these ideas for any of your projects, not just for the ones that I listed them on, it's all about making something work for what you specifically need :)
Love ya, Kamille
P.S. please feel free to share any of your ideas in the comments, you probably have even better ideas than I do