These first two are for opening exercises in young women's and for mutual. I usually make these in half sheets because you usually don't need all the space of a whole sheet of paper. I will make several copies and just keep them in the room we are meeting in with a pen or pencil.
I also made a young women directory that has all the young women and the leaders on it. I included basic contact information like their mailing address, home and cell phone numbers and their email address if they had one. This directory is mainly so the girls have a way to get a hold of each other if they need to remind someone of mutual or if they are team teaching a lesson on Sunday.

I had noticed that sometimes girls would say that they hadn't ever gotten a camp manual or a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. This was happening often enough that I decided to get the girls all stocked with the essentials they were missing. So I started by making this checkoff list for them to see what they needed. Everything on the list (except the necklace) are essentials that young women need to complete personal progress or are important for records (primary recognition & membership record #).
They turned these back into me so I could make this master sheet of needed supplies.
I have the # copies needed, what it was, and what girls need them. Then I turned this sheet into the bishop who ordered the things that we needed. Once I started passing out the girl's supplies I used this sheet to cross off their names to see who I had left.
For New Beginnings I was in charge of introducing a new beehive, so I made a get to know you questionnaire that she filled out. I used these questions & her answers for her introduction.
*When is your birthday?
*Where were you born?
*What is your favorite color?
*Favorite food?
*Favorite dessert?
*Favorite animal?
*Favorite season?
*What is you favorite room in your house?
*What do you like to do outside?
* What is your favorite genre for books?
*What country would you love to visit?
*What has been your favorite vacation?
*Outside of your family, who is your hero?
*Who is your favorite American hero, (Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, etc.)?
*Where do you want to live when you grow up?
*What is your favorite way to travel, (airplane, ferry, bus, etc.)?
*What are your hobbies?
*What are you most excited about for Young Women's?
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